One of null glitches appeared in my world! i didn't actually notice it,i was screenshooting cool places and i screenshooted this cave,while uploading it to my facebook,i saw a strangely a black box,my friends told me they saw this box in the sky,in the desert,etc,they stand on it but they don't fell,and you can't break it,even in creative mode,my friend saw another one in a the desert temple,he standed on it and took a screenshoot of it,i found it weird (hen i saw it from him),he brighted the picture and we saw a mysterious black figure inside it,picture of mine ------> but it seemed empty but when i got near it,my minecraft crashes with weird sound,the crash log seemed normal but i wanted to check it,when i checked it, it keeps saying 01010101010101010101010 as like 459 lines or something,it lagged then i deleted it..... (real or fake?)