Events of January-February 2019


Hi there.

We are slowly moving away from the release of large updates to smaller ones, which we will provide as soon as the functionality is implemented. But right now we have a lot of changes and I'm going to tell you about them :) Accounts for developers

The Accounts project provides an authorization service for websites, Minecraft launchers and game servers. With this update we have added a section for developers, where you can get the necessary keys to access the service in your projects.

Updated Documentation Documentation hasn't been updated for a long time since it appearance. But it's time to change that and after adding the developers section to the Accounts, we've updated the documentation as well. The source code was published in our Github repository and the texts were translated into English. We plan to increase the number of manuals, to provide you with simple solutions for the complex task of creating game servers with the help of services.

Moving the translation center to Crowdin

In the beginning there was a word... written in a file with an overly complex structure. Then there was the OneSkyApp service, thanks to which the interface of the project has become available in 14 languages. And here's the new step: the Crowdin gave us the OpenSource license to host the project on their platform. All previous translations were carefully transferred to the new platform and now the translation team can continue translating the project in a new, even more convenient and accessible environment.

In addition, the code base of the main site's user interface has been refactored a lot and as a result we received: a large number of bug fixes, overall performance improvement and reduction of the size of the assets.

As the tradition goes, here is the complete list of changes.

  • The interface has been refactored. The size of the project's js assets was reduced by 120kb.

  • Fixed a lot of errors in the functionality of the site interface.

  • Improved responsiveness of the chat.

  • The length of tags in the skin catalog is now unlimited.

  • Documentation links has been updated. Accounts: Documentation:

See you later.